Time to Review your Learning and Development Approach

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How to review and rebuild your organisation’s learning and development capacity and capability.

Like many organisations, your learning and development set up may have been in survival mode in recent times, and struggling to maintain basic compliance for key roles.

So how do we move forward?

For most organisations, the first priority is to review the current set up and establish a progressive plan.
A training needs review may be the first step to establish confidence that the training matrix is up to date and that there is a plan to address any gaps.
In tandem with this, we are finding that learning and development leads are taking the opportunity to evaluate the training arrangements in place, often recognising the following themes:

  • An over reliance on remote or online learning
  • The need to re-socialise learning to achieve real outcomes
  • An understanding that formal training alone does not deliver competence
  • A concern the training needs identified at the end of last decade may not be entirely relevant for the post covid workplace

70:20:10 Model

The 70:20:10 model provides some inspiration for learning and development professionals to help build solutions to learning challenges.  The main premise of the model is of course that most learning happens on the job.
Though we can immediately see the simplicity within this model, the challenge is putting in place learning solutions that work and achieve consistent models.  Also, there are many individuals who need to be weened off the culture of prescribing formal training solutions to learning needs.
70:20:10 provides a framework for learning and development to address needs but how to we identify and priorities the current needs within our organisation?

Training Needs Analysis

A Training Needs Analysis (TNA) is the best way for learning and development specialists to take stock of current needs and rethink these solutions.
But how do we go about this?
In principle, this is a simple three step process of identifying what skills we need, what skills we have in place and what the gap is.
At Polaris learning, we have been helping our clients devise and roll out structured Training Needs Analysis processes that reflect these stages and more.
Training Needs Analysis is a problem solving process and the main output from a Training Needs Analysis is a training plan.   We find that training plans should identify clear outcomes, responsibilities, learner journeys and guided learning hours.  These activities can then be costed and translated to meaningful financial and operational budgets, thus minimising the risk of failure.
This approach helps learning and development to move forward, and to build confidence with our stakeholders.

Training Solutions

To support such plans, the training solutions identified need be effective. This may involve input from external and internal expertise.
We are finding that an important part of the strategy is to develop the internal capacity to deliver training, both traditional training as well as on the job learning.
We encourage learning and development professionals to start this with effective practice by providing a real learning experience for internal personnel that builds confidence and skill in developing others. Trainers learn by doing so they can then build this principle into their own learning provision.
When we get these points right we can start building a culture in our organisations that delivers competence across the target audience.

For More information:

Please get in touch and see how we can help you with the development of your learning and development strategy, and implementing your strategy, including:

  • Training Needs Analysis consultancy and the Training Needs Analysis process/template development
  • Conducting a learning and development review
  • Implementing the 70:20:10 model
  • Designing and implementing on the job learning
  • Train the Trainer programmes
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