Training the Trainers 

Our training and qualifications for trainers are designed for specialist trainers as well as employees, perhaps supervisors, who need to be able to train their team members as part of a range of tasks they are responsible for.

Discover our accredited qualifications, including the ‘Institute of Leadership & Management Train the Trainer’ program, vocational units from the Scottish Qualifications Authority (SQA), and complete SQA Learning and Development Awards at Levels 3 and 4. These programs are designed to boost the capabilities of training specialists, supervisors, and managers across all levels, from beginners to experienced trainers. Additionally, we offer short courses focused on presentation and group training skills, empowering employees to effectively utilize their training skills in their professional environment.


Delve into one-to-one training nuances, embracing a relaxed yet informative atmosphere. Receive a Polaris Learning Certificate of Completion, validating your skills.

Immerse in classroom training followed by hands-on assessments, ensuring real-world readiness. Gain a Polaris Certificate of Competence, proving your capabilities.

Elevate your expertise with the intensive ILM Recognised course. Master group dynamics, coaching, and get personalised assessments with structured feedback.


This is a hands-on, challenging and enjoyable thirty hour programme of development leading to the Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM.
This qualification is designed for learning and development practitioners who deliver training to groups and/or individuals and who may also have workplace assessment responsibilities.
Our advanced online learning platform PLUS enables us to deliver this programme either fully online or in a blended learning manner to suit your needs.
This qualification is designed for learning and development practitioners who deliver training to groups.
This qualification is designed for learning and development practitioners who deliver training on a one-to-one basis through instruction, demonstration, coaching and mentoring.
  • "I am very impressed with the result from Train the Trainer.  The big thing is how our trainers can now express their knowledge and put it across to someone new to the subject."

    Training and Competency Manager KCA Deutag, Scotland
  • “The course put me into a totally different understanding of training – definitely for the better!  Was thoroughly explained and easy to understand.  The tutor accommodated everyone’s needs very well and explained everything clearly.”

    A learner, Train the Trainers Programme Endorsed by the ILM Large Fish Processing Company
  • "As with any manufacturing team we have a wide range of characters, who through the training process have been catered as individuals and pitched at the correct level of detail to keep everyone interested and confident as trainers."

    Production Manager (at the time of feedback) Baxters Food Group, Scotland
  • “The course was well organised and run very well by Polaris Learning.  The course covered all of the main points and both trainers provided good guidance and support throughout.  The course was very enjoyable and I would recommend it to anyone thinking of doing the course.”

    A learner, Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM Open Course Participant
  • "The trainers were enthusiastic and made me feel at ease.  Possibly two of the best trainers I've had for a long time."

    A learner, Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM Large Fish Processing Company
  • "The trainer is very knowledgeable.  Put us at ease.  Very friendly environment.  All questions were answered, we were encouraged to fully participate."

    A learner, Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM Open Course Participant
  • "This has been an invaluable experience as it has taught me to apply my skill and adapt it to suit an overall objective.  I feel more comfortable and optimistic about my future preparations and how my skills might be valued."

    A learner, Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM Large Fish Processing Company
  • "Really enjoyable.  Gave me some insights that I had previously been unaware of."

    A learner, Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM Open Course Participant
  • "The course was ideally suited and helped me to refresh on some points and develop awareness and new skills in others.  The course will be invaluable in helping me with my role back in the workplace."

    A learner, Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM Large Fish Processing Company


Working with Aberdeen International Airport

Since 1998, we’ve actively supported comprehensive training at Aberdeen International Airport, covering program preparation, group and individual delivery, and learner engagement, plus Assessor and Verifier qualifications with preferred SQA accreditation for enhanced credibility.

We were appointed to roll out a Train the Trainer programme for the ACE Winch Academy trainers, building skills, confidence and providing practical experience through an intensive three day workshop achieving the Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM.


We were appointed to roll out a Train the Trainer programme for Pinneys of Scotland’s trainers, focusing on the development of practical training skills. Learners undertook an intensive three day workshop to achieve the Train the Trainer Programme Endorsed by the ILM.

Our Train the Trainer programme with Tunnock’s upgraded their training from a buddy system to empowering operators with tailored training skills. This initiative ensured consistent, effective training for staff rotating every 30 minutes, significantly enhancing the learning experience and fostering a culture of development across the factory.


An Introduction to Train the Trainer  

Whether a training specialist or supervisors and managers who have to pass on their knowledge to their team members, our ILM Train the Trainer qualification can help enhance or develop their skills.

For training specialists we can help them enhance their skills and achieve a qualification.

For those new to training, we can take them from novices to people who are confident to train.

Presentation Skills and Group Training

For people who give presentations or even train groups of people, then they might benefit from training in these areas.

We can help with short courses on giving presentations or delivering group training. We can also support employees with wor place assignments so that they can apply their skills back in the work place.

We can help you with the training only or we can also assess their competence in this area.

Coaching and Mentoring

Many people need to coach and mentor in the workplace: from specialist trainers to supervisors and managers.

This can be organised through a formal in-house programme or it may be skills that employees are expected to use in their day to day work.

We can help your employees better understand both skill sets, help them build their knowledge and support them as they apply the knowledge in a practical setting.

We can help you with the training only or we can also assess their competence in this area.

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