Online, Virtual and Tailored Learning Courses

In January 2015, we launched our online and blended learning portal PLUS enabling us to provide online, cost effective, high quality training.

PLUS enables us to support those who prefer online learning, it allows us to bring groups of learners together for online meetings, and it allows us to extend the learning process through a combination of workshops and online learning.

Learners tell us PLUS is engaging, easy to use and the support from their trainers has been fantastic.  Our client training managers make use of the client reporting to track progress and they appreciate the cost savings.  Our Polaris Learning trainers find it is a great way to provide bite-sized learning.


We also provide virtual workshops using videoconferencing, allowing us to deliver remote learning workshops.  This can be standalone workshops, programmes of workshops or part of a blended learning approach with PLUS.

Click below to view our:


We also have a range of online learning & tailored courses available via our online and blended learning portal plus. This can be standalone courses or we can work together to create tailored courses to suit your business.

Click below to view our:
  • "It is all about the ease of keeping track of who has completed the training or where people are at in their training, the visibility of where people are; it is a simple and effective e-learning system and can be delivered anywhere in the world, plus the savings on costs."

    Marine Training Officer International Marine Company
  • "I found all of the information to be very useful, including all of the handout information. And the videos were very informative."

    A learner, ILM Leadership & Management Essentials Endorsed Award International Food Manufacturer
  • "Great help and support given, useful being able to use my phone to access course as well. I really enjoyed this course."

    A Learner, SVQ Level 7 Management Food Manufacturing Company
  • "During the entire training course with Polaris for my qualification, trainer has been supportive and all resources I required were available, including samples to follow and guidelines. There is nothing I could recommend to be covered in the training. thank you."

    A Learner, L&D11 Well Control Company
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