This qualification is suitable for people who internally verify the quality of workplace assessment within a competency based assessment system. They are often called internal verifiers or it might be that they have internal verification as part of their role.


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Firstly, for your internal verifiers to succeed, we believe that they must be trained on your verification process.

We recommend that we build your quality processes and paperwork into the online learning.  This means that the verifiers not only achieve an internationally recognised qualification but also leave with a better understanding of what to do back in their workplace.

Secondly, internal verifiers usually have two responsibilities: supporting assessors and carrying out the process of internal verification (or auditing the assessments).

We address both of these aspects in the initial online learning before supporting your internal verifiers through the qualification.

We want your verifiers to not only complete their qualification but also understand what is expected of them in their role, how to use your company’s assessment paperwork and assessment process, and how to be effective internal verifiers.

We start with an online meeting (webinar) to introduce the verifiers to the qualification, the learning modules on PLUS and how to make the most of PLUS. For those who cannot make it, an on-demand copy is available on PLUS.

Your verifiers then work through six online modules.  The online modules provide an overview of the key requirements of the role.  They also enable learners to start finding out about their own organisation’s assessment and verification processes, their procedures and their paperwork.

Following completion of the online modules, the learner completes the necessary work to generate the evidence required by the qualification back in their workplace.  This includes the completion of two candidate reports and an SQA L&D11 Knowledge Assignment.

We allocate each verifier with a Polaris Learning consultant who works closely with the learner. We build in a series of live webinars or on demand webinars to support the learning process. Client reporting is built in as standard so you can keep track of progress.

The duration of the programme can be organised to suit your requirements and we can facilitate the completion of this over a short or longer period of time.


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