Our short courses and workshops for this topic are designed to help companies quickly address their training needs so that they can operate hygienically, and produce products of the highest possible standard. This training can be tailored to your industry, and we make sure we correspond with standards from governing bodies such as REHIS and RSPH.

You might also find our practical guide on maintaining food safety in the workplace helpful. This matches the requirements of legislation along with the requirements to cover knowledge for recognised vocational qualifications.


Call us on +44(0) 1651 873398

Food Hygiene Level 2 (elementary):

This training course is designed to give your employees an awareness of food hygiene so that they can operate hygienically, and produce products of the highest possible standard.

The training can be delivered on your site and is tailored to your company, and we ensure that we correspond with standards from the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS).

This training would be carried out in a one-day workshop and topics we would cover are:

  • Nature of food safety
  • Food poisoning
  • Bacteria
  • Pest control
  • Cross-contamination controls
  • Personal hygiene
  • Equipment hygiene
  • Physical and chemical contamination
  • Temperature control
  • Food preservation
  • Legal requirements

Once the employees have completed the training workshop, and have successfully completed an assessment, Polaris Learning would result and issue certification from the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS). There are no pre-requisites for this qualification.

Food Hygiene Level 3 (supervising food safety):

This training course is designed to train supervisors and managers to become more aware of food safety and how they contribute to a food safety culture.

The training can be delivered on your site and is tailored to your company, and we ensure that we correspond with standards from the Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH). Please note, this course is regarded as being the equivalent to intermediate food hygiene.

This training would be carried out in a three-day workshop and topics we would cover are:

  • Nature of food safety
  • Food poisoning
  • Pest control
  • Cross-contamination controls
  • Personal hygiene
  • Design and layout of premises
  • Equipment hygiene
  • Physical and chemical contamination
  • Temperature control
  • Food preservation
  • Legal requirements

Once employees complete the training workshop, they must complete a multiple choice exam to gain a certificate from The Royal Society of Public Health (RSPH). There are no pre-requisites for this qualification.


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