Training, Qualifications and 1 to 1 Coaching

Training, Qualifications and 1 to 1 Coaching

You may find periodically that members of your team, often your managers or senior managers, would benefit from focused coaching from a specialist and independent coach.

We start by understanding the development need, getting to better know the employee to be coached and his or her perspective on the need, and then we agree a plan with you to take this forward.

Our coaches are able to quickly build trust, provide the opportunity for self-reflection, provide challenge and help the manager find his or her way to resolve issues, better handle situations and to find effective ways to help their team members excel as well as enabling the managers themselves to exceed in their role.

The focus is often on communication and interpersonal skills and provides a powerful way to understand where the manager wants or needs to be and how to achieve this.

The coaching can be provided as a stand alone service or as part of a wider development programme.


Call us on +44(0) 1651 873398

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